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# News

Digital Virgo poster about a year of data

A year of Data at Digital Virgo

In 2020, 6 Billion transactions and 100 Billion lines of data have been collected and managed by Digital Virgo’s teams. Discover how we analyze and transform these data acquired from Mobile Payment transactions and Digital Marketing to support our partners to boost their revenues.

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Are you ready for PSD2 visual

Direct Carrier Billing opportunities offered by PSD2

The payment ecosystem has changed, consumers expect different services, and their buying habits are also evolving. With the Payment Services Directive PSD2, the EU has extended its regulatory scope to include both traditional and emerging payment systems such as DCB (Direct Carrier Billing) developments. This new regulatory system creates significant challenges and opportunities. How to deal with this framework? By choosing the right partner to be at the forefront of a business full of potential.

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Le Paiement Télécom, des opportunités grâce à la DSP2

L’écosystème du paiement a évolué et leurs habitudes de consommation également, les consommateurs sont donc demandeur de nouveaux services. Cette nouvelle Directive, DSP2, a permis à l’UE d’étendre son champ d’application afin d’inclure des systèmes de paiement traditionnels mais également, des systèmes de paiement émergents tels que le Paiement via Facture Opérateur Cette nouvelle réglementation créée des opportunités et des challenges importants ! Comment aborder ce nouveau cadre ? En choisissant le bon partenaire afin d’être précurseur au sein de cette activité à fort potentiel.

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the Cloud brings more profit with DV Pass background

How the Cloud brings more profit with DV Pass

Cloud computing is changing the business landscape and the COVID-19 crisis is speeding up the process. In addition to the full advantages in terms of remote work, Cloud services can bring more business profit. That’s the case of our next generation payment platform, DV Pass. Want to know how? In this infographic, our experts share the main benefits of deploying our DV Pass Direct Carrier Billing solution in the Cloud.

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Launching a new gaming platform of Zain Games in Sudan

Launching a new gaming platform Zain Games in Sudan

Digital Virgo has recently launched a gaming service in partnership with Zain Sudan. Dynamic Gaming web app portal, multi device, offers an AYCE subscription with a catalogue of more than 1000 games, both android and html5. Designed for only premium experience!

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Mixing Subscription and Single Purchase background

How mixing subscription and single purchase models can bring more value ?

Subscription and single purchase models have proved themselves in time to be effective in building a regular income and user base for Merchants. Digital Virgo builds solutions for Content Producers to help them to achieve their monetization objectives. By providing not only subscription model, our Team adds upsell solutions through single purchase to keep always creating more value to its partners.

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