Positive Impact

Aware of the importance of social, societal and environmental issues, we view the “Positive Impact” approach as a moral obligation towards our employees and stakeholders. The Group has been actively pursuing a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy since 2018.

The “Positive Impact” approach is the result of cross-functional collaboration between all the Departments and Services in the Digital Virgo Group. Our goal is to create sustainable value with our stakeholders, through a strategy of continuous innovation. We invest in our staff’s skills. Our business conduct must help to build an inclusive, ethical, sustainable company.

Positive Impact Report

The Positive Impact priorities for the Group are as follows : Talent Management – Digital Innovation – Financial Inclusion – Ethics – Security.

You can read the full Report by clicking on the link below.


A “Positive Impact” Committee has been set up to implement and monitor this policy at Group level. Overseen by the Group’s CEO and Chief Financial Officer, the Committee consists of 2 coordinators, 8 business advisers (HR, Communication, General Resources, IT) and 2 project contributors. The Committee meets every 2 months.


In our governance and activities, we apply ethical, responsible principles with regard to our customers, suppliers and employees.

Digital Innovation

The Group is aware of the fundamental challenges of combating climate change and protecting natural resources. We ensure that the innovations we develop incorporate sustainable development into their design and uses, in particular through close collaboration with our partner Amazon (AWS).

Talent Management

We are convinced that our employees are the key to our success. The Human Resources Department places diversity at the centre of its concerns in terms of the employee recruitment process and staff loyalty.


At the centre of the company’s systems. We ensure that our exchange processes and applications are secure.

Financial Inclusion

We enable access to paid services and content using alternative payment methods by connecting Merchants to Telecoms operators worldwide. In countries without good banking services, alternative payment is often the only payment method, and it meets a need for efficient access to digital services in mature regions.