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# News

the Cloud brings more profit with DV Pass

How the Cloud brings more profit with DV Pass

Cloud computing is changing the business landscape and the COVID-19 crisis is speeding up the process. In addition to the full advantages in terms of remote work, Cloud services can bring more business profit. That’s the case of our next generation payment platform, DV Pass. Want to know how? In this infographic, our experts share the main benefits of deploying our DV Pass Direct Carrier Billing solution in the Cloud.

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Mixing Subscription and Single Purchase

How mixing subscription and single purchase models can bring more value ?

Subscription and single purchase models have proved themselves in time to be effective in building a regular income and user base for Merchants. Digital Virgo builds solutions for Content Producers to help them to achieve their monetization objectives. By providing not only subscription model, our Team adds upsell solutions through single purchase to keep always creating more value to its partners.

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