Supporting our media partners to ensure proximity with their listeners
DV Live is a privileged partner of the Radios and manages 90% of the Radios in France. Thanks to the confidence that French radio stations have placed on us for more than 10 years now, DV Live has acquired undeniable expertise in the implementation of on-air interactivity operations.
On-air interactivity is indeed an excellent way of retaining listeners and it is a way of also entertaining them. Prizes for the participation, help to capture and retain the audience.
The main goal of DV Live is to support the Media in the animation, retention and monetization of their audiences. To do so, a robust and proven DV Live platform can absorb high traffic spikes, particularly on games with exceptional prizes.
Let’s discover the 5 main tips to retain your audience on the Radio :
- Setting-up on-air interactivity via the DV Live Platform, created and optimised for the media, in order to animate and monetise your audience. Our DV Live solution is constantly adapting and evolving in order to meet the needs of each Media.
- Creating games that will generate more important and recurring listening time. Some particular mechanics, created by DV Live teams allow to increase the listening time.
- Analyzing the traffic of each game in order to identify the best promotional hours. This performance analysis enables DV Live teams to recommend a promotion plan adapted to each radio station and its audience.
- Selecting the right animator to promote your operations effectively. The promotion carried out by the animators is essential, it does 70% of the work. It directly influences and impacts the participation rate in the operation.
- Integrating special operations with exceptional prizes and communication campaigns to acquire new audiences.
DV LIVE: a team of experts dedicated to Audience Monetization
Thanks to our teams of experts, we accompany the media in their digital growth strategies.
From the reflection to the optimization phase our Team manages the full operational and technical implementation.
To find out more about our solutions: click here