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# Carrier Billing Platform

Certificate Digital Virgo Best Carrier Billing Solution Juniper Research

Digital Virgo recognised as Best Carrier Billing Solution 2024 in Juniper Research Awards

Juniper Research has just announced the winners of their annual Telco Innovation Awards. Digital Virgo’s Carrier Billing solution, DV PASS, has been awarded Platinum Winner 2024, achieving the highest recognition level for second year in a row. The payment hub, that connects Telcos and Merchants, creates a powerful and sustainable monetisation ecosystem in this market full of possibilities.

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Are you ready for PSD2 visual

Direct Carrier Billing opportunities offered by PSD2

The payment ecosystem has changed, consumers expect different services, and their buying habits are also evolving. With the Payment Services Directive PSD2, the EU has extended its regulatory scope to include both traditional and emerging payment systems such as DCB (Direct Carrier Billing) developments. This new regulatory system creates significant challenges and opportunities. How to deal with this framework? By choosing the right partner to be at the forefront of a business full of potential.

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the Cloud brings more profit with DV Pass background

How the Cloud brings more profit with DV Pass

Cloud computing is changing the business landscape and the COVID-19 crisis is speeding up the process. In addition to the full advantages in terms of remote work, Cloud services can bring more business profit. That’s the case of our next generation payment platform, DV Pass. Want to know how? In this infographic, our experts share the main benefits of deploying our DV Pass Direct Carrier Billing solution in the Cloud.

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