The Commercial Direction of Mediaset in Spain & Digital Virgo: trusted partners for audience monetization

Mediaset, leader of the Spanish audiovisual market, trusts Digital Virgo and its DV Live solution to manage its interactive programs ecosystem. The collaboration began in 2018 and today is consolidated as a global monetization offer for the contests, voting and casting of the different Mediaset channels.
post about Digital Virgo and Mediaset are trusted partners for audience monetization

Mediaset and Digital Virgo: a relationship based on confidence

Since 2018, Mediaset, which owns an advertising market share of 43.4% (Source: Infoadex) and a 29% audience share (Source: Kantar Media), has the support of Digital Virgo to monetize its audience through the management of its interactive operations in renowned programs such as Sálvame, Viva la Vida or Supervivientes. 

Digital Virgo, thanks to its DV Live solution, provides Mediaset with the numbering that allows the audience to participate in the different contests, polls or casting by phone or SMS. The Group also provides the platform to manage, follow and monetize different interactive operations.  

The success of this collaboration is based not only on the adequate support, but also on two fundamental pillars: trust, with interactive programs in which the audience can see how they are developing in real time; and attractive prizes, which make sustainable growth in participant traffic and revenue possible. 

Contests: interactivity to build audience loyalty 

The first interactivity operation resulting from this constructive collaboration between the two companies, took place at the end of 2018 with a competition organised for Mediaset’s main channel, Telecinco. During the contest, more than 100,000 euros in prizes were distributed. This was a real sign of success among the audience. 

Currently Digital Virgo offers global support for contests for all Mediaset channels. In addition to the numbering and the technological platform which allows to absorb all the traffic of participants, the Teams of the Commercial Direction of Mediaset and Digital Virgo perform:  

-The design and creation of the dynamics adapted to the audience and inspired by the theme of each program 

-The scenography 

-The scripts and promotion during the broadcast 

-The winning moment in real time

In addition, part of the Digital Virgo Team works on site, in Mediaset’s studios, to offer the best support to its client. 

In 2019, Digital Virgo and Mediaset had almost 400.000 different participants in the interactive operations they carried out together, proof of their positive results among the audience.   

Global Partner: Polls and Castings  

In February 2020, Digital Virgo and the Commercial Direction of Mediaset incorporated the voting of reality shows and castings into their collaboration agreement, making Digital Virgo the main partner for managing the audiovisual company’s global offer of interactive programs.

During these months, Digital Virgo has carried out the voting of important productions such as El Tiempo de Descuento or Supervivientes.

“Since 2018 we have worked with Mediaset to create and manage high performance interactive programs, to achieve sustainable growth in participant traffic and revenue.  

Digital Virgo is honored to be Mediaset’s trusted partner and our goal is to continue providing the best solution and the best dedicated team to maintain the success that we have achieved together.” 

Jesús Cid – Commercial Director at Digital Virgo Spain 

“Live entertainment and television are part of Mediaset’s DNA. Therefore, for the Commercial Management it is essential to have the best partner for our contests, voting and casting. Our audience recognizes and rewards with their affection and massive participation the contests and votes launched since 2018 with Digital Virgo”. 

Ricardo Reinares – Business Development Director, Commercial Management, Mediaset Spain 

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