02 partners with Digital Virgo to boost its Carrier Billing ecosystem

O2, leading mobile operator in Czech Republic, has chosen Digital Virgo to enable and grow its Carrier Billing ecosystem. In addition to offering its subscribers a convenient, simple and secure way to pay for their digital products and services, this partnership will enable O2 to enrich its premium merchant's portfolio and position itself at the centre of the digital ecosystem in the Czech Republic.
Digital Virgo partners with o2, enablis Carrier Billing payment method for the Carrier

Making the most of Carrier Billing for 02

Digital Virgo join forces with 02 in the Czech Republic to boost its Carrier Billing ecosystem. Thanks to this new partnership, O2 subscribers can pay for the digital services proposed by the Telco with their monthly mobile bill and ensure secure, convenient and fast transaction process.

More than the Carrier Billing connection, this partnership will help O2 to enrich their premium content offer and retain and grow its customer base with access to a wide spectrum of Merchants from different vertical such as music, gaming, video, transport and many more.

“We are incredibly proud to become a mobile payment enabler for O2 in the Czech Republic. With this partnership, we will help our telco partner get the most out of carrier billing, facilitating a secure and efficient payment ecosystem and enriching its premium content offering to position itself as a key player in the digital content and mobile payment ecosystem.” Robert Ciosek, Central Europe Sales Director at Digital Virgo.

“Digital Virgo connections with premium merchants, combined with their knowledge European local specificities and the global Carrier Billing ecosystem, give us full confidence in them. In addition, their innovative DV Pass technical platform made the integration process smooth, which was key for us in this new collaboration.” Lukáš Pohan, Manager – Payment Methods & 3rd Party Products at O2

Carrier Billing deployed through our DV Pass platform

Beyond the Carrier Billing connection, we manage the global ecosystem for O2 though DV Pass platform – the new generation platform that optimizes the payment process by providing global support for Merchants’ connection and transaction management. Visit DV Pass website to learn more about our next generation enabling platform.

By combining technological platform, our premium merchant’s portfolio and our glocal (global and local) expertise, our goal is to deploy adapted strategies and optimize the payment for the Telco in the Czech Republic.

Want to know more? Contact our experts.

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