White Label Gaming with Orange Tunisia White Label Gaming with Orange Tunisia

Gaming continues to dominate mobile content to boost customer growth and retention. Orange Tunisia is the latest telco to take the next step into eSports with the launch of Orange Arena. A 360 eSport gaming solution for customers to compete, learn and stay updated with the latest local and international news. Digital Virgo has not only provided the gaming platform but has also worked with Orange Tunisia to create a promotional package to ensure the platforms’ success.

White label gaming for telcos 

Over the last few years eSports has exploded across the globe with 54% of the online population watching a video game in the last 12 months, according to NewZoo. Telcos are looking for more effective ways to engage, grow and retain their customer base. Gaming and eSports encourage users to not only watch but also engage with it through taking part in tournaments. Telco customers can stay current with the latest local and international gaming news, interviews and tutorials.

For players, there are a few ways for users to move through tournaments, they can play continuously or buy vouchers to be used in games that can help them move up in the rankings. Creating multiple ways for customers to engage in the platform not only grows engagement but also revenue. According to NewZoo, 87% of players spent money on in-game items such as in-game currencies in 2022, making it essential to simplify the buying process with vouchers for gamers.

Partnering with Orange Tunisia 

Working with Orange Tunisia since 2022 we created a 100% branded platform that caters to the wide range of customers was a challenge. Our team rose to the occasion as expectations were high to meet Orange Tunisia’s standards. The Orange branded platform not only has video on demand but live streamed matches and tournaments. Matches are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for all gamers.  Subscribers can access a range of games, from more classic games like Street Fighter to FIFA.    

Promotion and Digital Marketing  

Our team in the country worked closely with Orange Tunisia and local eSports teams to create a marketing strategy to create buzz around the launch of Orange Arena. Creating the marketing strategy was the icing on the cake to launch this amazing platform. Utilizing our team’s extensive local knowledge meant that the strategy covered online and offline promotions. The highlight being the live gaming event with local eSports teams to showcase the platform. The event was also live streamed on Twitch, a popular video gaming platform. Maximizing the platforms promotional activities that built excitement for the launch and insured high engagement.

Looking for eSport solutions? Reach out to our team now for more information. 

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