Addict Mobile brought together its partners for a session of “Drinks & Learnings” on mobile marketing !

On Thursday, September 20th 2018, Digital Virgo’s team specialized in digital marketing, Addict Mobile along with Snapchat and Adjust brought together more than 60 influential brands in the industry to share their best practices and challenges in mobile marketing.

On this occasion, Oui Bus, Groupe L’Express, Meetic and Dr. Pierre Ricaud shared their experiences and best practices in mobile acquisition. Among the discussed topics were:

  • Implementing an efficient mobile marketing strategy on Snapchat (campaign optimization, creative approach …)
  • Detecting and fighting against fraud
  • Managing mobile marketing campaigns tracking on Apps
  • Best practices on remarketing techniques for the web mobile

A convivial moment of sharing and learning that was greatly appreciated by all of our partners in attendance !

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