[REPLAY] our Team participated at the Global Carrier Billing Summit 2021

The Global Carrier Billing Summit is the only event that brings the entire direct carrier billing ecosystem together to deep-dive into the key questions and topics in the industry.
GCB Summit replay on the Youtube channel of Digital Virgo

During four days, the key players in the ecosystem that includes telecom operators, service aggregators, digital merchants, content providers, regulators and technology providers from across the globe connected at the one and only event dedicated to the entire Carrier Billing ecosystem.

Our experts: Ignacio Molto, Frederico Rosato, Fran Sanchez, Vincent Taradel, Eglantine Guiboud Ribaud shared their expertise in the conference dedicated to Customer Satisfaction.

By sharing their satisfaction, a single customer can bring in an average of 5 to 6 new customers. Thus, a satisfied customer plays an important role in building the reputation of the business. DCB gives end-users the opportunity to pay from their monthly mobile phone bill* or prepaid card, easily and securely, without the need to add banking credentials or fill in lengthy forms for each transaction. Users are just one click away from their favorite song, game or movie. It works on all mobile devices, including smartphones, tablets and smart TVs.

From Customer Satisfaction White Paper
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