Purchase of public transport tickets in Milan now available in the Moovit app

Moovit, the world's No. 1 app for urban mobility already used by over 1.5 billion users, and Digital Virgo announce that as of today it is possible to purchase tickets for ATM public transport in Milan by implementing mobile ticketing provided by telephone operators TIM, Vodafone and WINDTRE.
Logos of Moovit and Digital Virgo

The experience for Italian commuters and travellers using the Moovit app in Milan can therefore be said to be complete: with Moovit you search for the route to your destination, select the means of transport among all those available in the area, and if you choose an ATM vehicle in Milan, you can purchase your ticket via a quick and practical SMS and pay for it with your phone credit.

Mobile ticketing with phone credit – terms and conditions of use are available within the app itself during the purchase phase – is thus integrated into the avant-garde concept of Mobility as a Service, whereby all means of mobility and travel payment are aggregated in a single app.

Within the Moovit app, all means of mobility are available: from city buses to regional trains, from subways to electric scooters, from taxis to bike sharing.

Via a new banner on the homepage of the Moovit app in Lombardy, the user can proceed to purchase a ticket using Digital Virgo’s mobile ticketing technology to travel on bus, metro or regional trains within zones 1-3. In a few moments, the user receives the ticket via SMS and already valid for the journey. Mobile ticketing via the Moovit app – with a small service charge (€0.29 including VAT) – is available for TIM, Vodafone and WINDTRE customers. A useful tool for those occasional users who are in Milan and do not have a monthly or annual subscription, such as Italian tourists or business travellers.

“For the first time in Italy we are activating in Moovit the possibility to buy public transport tickets via our app,” said Samuel Sed Piazza, Partnership Director of Moovit. “We are happy to start with this functionality from Milan, a city that has often been a laboratory for the best mobility technologies in the country. Finally – in a Mobility as a Service perspective – without having to change the app, we add the last piece of information that is useful to the user during his journey: the payment of the ticket”.

About the Moovit app

Moovit (www.moovit.com) is a leading Mobility as a Service (MaaS) solutions provider and creator of the #1 urban mobility app on a mission to simplify urban mobility around the world. Moovit’s iOS, Android, and Web app serve over 1.5 Billion+ users in more than 3,500 cities across 112 countries. Over 100 cities and global events have deemed Moovit their official urban mobility app.

Moovit owns and operates the world’s largest repository of transit data, amassing six billion anonymous data points a day. Cities, transit agencies, and industry leaders license Moovit’s products to improve urban mobility.

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