Bringing e-library Libokoo to the Operator Moov in Burkina Faso

Digital Virgo in collaboration with YouScribe, brings a premium platform Libokoo – African digital library, specially designed to the Operator Moov in Burkina Faso. With the fast connection to the premium content via Direct Carrier Billing, Moov now will propose to its subscribers an access to more than 400 thousand books, African and international press, audiobooks, comics, and educational documents. A premium service designed to stand out in the African e-learning market by bringing the content relevant to its audience.
Launching an e-learning platform for the Operator Moov

Locally adapted product – electronic books for Africa

At Digital Virgo we know how important locally adapted products and services are, so our team in Africa worked alongside YouScribe, to launch the offer for Moov that is perfectly suitable to local needs, adapting throughout the whole African continent.  More than in any other regions, Telecom Operators can become key players in the evolution of digital culture in countries in Africa, as they are proposing a locally adapted payment method that fits local needs. It’s an opportunity to deploy and enrich Telco’s premium content offer and reach bigger audience.

Libokoo offers a huge number of books of all genres and every day more than 150 titles are added to the platform. More than 1400 publishers around the world trust the Libokoo e-reading platform, including Editis (France), Eyrolles (France), Quotidien Numérique d’Afrique (Burkina Faso), Editions Fraternité Matin (Ivory Coast), Editions Proximité (Cameroon), and many more. 

Moreover, you can find content on the platform that appeals to all types of readers, from adults to professionals, and from youth and students to children. The platform is presented with an intuitive catalog that has 7 key themes that are: African literature, international literature, professional and personal life, education, press, youth articles, and comics. This tool is a real asset to build customer loyalty and offer new and recent content, as well as contribute and facilitate access to reading and education for the local population.   

DCB at the heart of digital culture in Africa

Mobile Payment in Africa is seen as one of the most effective payment methods, as the African continent presents many low-banking areas. By offering premium content, we also offer fast and secure service to pay via Direct Carrier Billing without having to use debit or credit cards. This represents a real advantage for Telcos who trust us and have always referred to us for our services of direct operator billing. We are increasingly forging ties and agreements with exclusive digital content providers to be able to provide premium services in music, reading, video, and more. 

Discover more about all the entertaining and white label services we offer on our DV Content website!

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