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Mención >> Omantel lanza el servicio PlayVOD

Times of Oman ha destacado nuestro lanzamiento de PlayVOD en asociación con Omantel. El nuevo servicio ofrece a los clientes de Omantel el acceso a una amplia gama de películas, permitiendo el despliegue de la tecnología de Direct Carrier Billing.
PlayVOD the best of movies and series in Oman

🇬🇧 Artículo original en inglés 🇬🇧

Guillaume Briche, Digital Virgo CEO, commented, “This new agreement with Omantel is in line with our strategy of development in the Middle East. For the past few months, we have been working with major mobile operators in the region to set up long-lasting partnerships and deploy high-performance services. We are delighted to start this new collaboration with Omantel, making it the 15th country where we have launched PlayVod.”

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